Child Psychotherapy & Counselling

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Finding the perfect therapist for your child is the most important decision you can make and the Child Psychotherapy Trust is here to help. We have a network of counselors, therapists, psychotherapists, and many other professionals.

Our team of skilled practitioners believe in providing the highest quality help for children and adolescents and have dedicated their lives to this profession. All the therapists we recommend are members of accredited organizations and have good reviews.

You can expect an expert therapist who understands the intricacies of working with young people and will create a safe space. They will know how to handle all issues faced by children both specific and broad.

Is It Safe To Give Children CBD Oil For Mental Health Issues?

The mind of an adult can become traumatized very easily due to several outside factors. A child’s brain, on the other hand, is still in the stages of development, and they are still learning what love and trust are. Children are very fragile, and it comes as no surprise that they usually suffer significantly when they have to go through experiences that adults are unable to handle.

Abuse, maltreatment, and sexual abuse are among the main culprits of causing mental health issues in children. Some children develop disorders simply due to how the child is developing. It can be confusing and very difficult to keep track of what is happening with a child when the parent is looking in from the outside. Read more here .

Not every person has gone through the experience of abuse, and many people have mental disorders that they are not able to deal with. It is very difficult to guide a child or an adult through what they are feeling when these feelings are so traumatic and extreme that you are unable to understand them.

For this reason, it is always advisable to look for professional help when a child is going through a mental disorder. Doctors have the training needed to get to the root of these feelings, to work through them, and to help the child to start recovering.

How Can CBD Oil Help?

We all have what is known as an “endocannabinoid system” in our bodies that performs the function of regulating just about every function in our bodies. The one way that this system does this is by utilizing chemicals known as endocannabinoids, that are very similar to chemicals present in cannabis. The endocannabinoids are extremely unique as they travel in a backward direction between the cells, and this process is known as retrograde signaling. This is one of the features that makes medical marijuana so diverse.

In general, when neurons need to send messages, they use electrical pulses to send neurotransmitters out to the receiving cells. These “receiving cells” have receptors that then bind to these neurotransmitters and this is the way communication occurs.

Endocannabinoids get sent from receiving cells back to the neurons that have sent the messages. When the neuron transmits an overload of information at once or it is over-excited, the endocannabinoids will tell the neurons to relax.

Anandamide, one of the more popular endocannabinoids is just about identical to THC, and this is why THC is able to directly bind to the cannabinoid receptors. THC can make you feel hungry, make you drowsy, feel euphoric, and lower pain as it is able to mimic this endocannabinoid.

When the endocannabinoid system has become damaged, endocannabinoids may not be producing at the correct level. Metabolic enzymes may not be cleaning the protein that builds up around the cells or repairing the cells that have become damaged. Our endocannabinoid system is why the human body is able to run correctly, and CBD can regulate a system once it has started to malfunction.

Anxiety Orders In Children

  • Anxiety includes several disorders which include:
  • Panic Disorder
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • General Anxiety Disorder

Children that suffer from anxiety usually have overactive brains. An overactive imagination is regarded as a good thing, but at the same time, most parents would like their child’s brain to be in a state of health. One of the causes of anxiety inside the brain has to do with the amygdala. When overactive, it will send consistent threats to the child’s brain which can make them feel very anxious, this can last for a few hours or even days.

CBD oil is effective at targeting the amygdala and helping it to calm down, and reducing the threat signals that it is sending to the child’s brain. This helps to regulate the heart rate and stop the mind from racing. The CBD tinctures, such as CBD Life hemp cannabis oil products, are effective for a panic attack as they work fast to eliminate feelings of anxiety.

Most children that suffer from an anxiety disorder are unable to sleep well. This exacerbates the existing problem. Anxiety can also cause the brain to become overactive when it should be resting, and this often results in the child waking up and feeling exhausted. Using hemp or CBD oil as a treatment can also assist the mind with getting the rest that it needs.

Depressive Orders In Children

  • Depressive orders include:
  • Bi-Polar Disorder
  • Major Depression
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Psychotic Depression
  • Dysthymic Disorder

Depression disorders that occur in children are due to a damaged or under-active brain that is no longer sending the right signals. Our brains feature a “reward system” that encourages survival. When we do an action that the brain regards as good, it will provide us with a “good feeling”, making us want to repeat the action. When we have sex, sleep, and eat, the brain classifies this as survival.

However, in some cases, the brain stops registering these actions. When a person is depressed, the brain is no longer producing the feel-good chemicals as it should. Games are no longer fun, eating becomes difficult, and children with depression seem to be uninterested or appear lazy.

CBD works with a child’s brain in a very unique way that most medications are not able to match up to. It acts as the regulator, this means that it helps to calm down the brain. When the chemicals are not flowing correctly, CBD provides that nudge that is needed, which encourages the brain to start producing the chemicals that the body needs.

Depression and stress may be one of the reasons why the hippocampus starts to shrink in people that suffer from depression. Parents need to care for their child’s mental health as soon as possible to return their biology to a state of health during the developmental stages. CBD promotes healthy cells along with protecting the neurons. Taking CBD can assist with protecting a child’s brain from damages when the child is feeling depressed, stressed or anxious.

Is CBD Oil Safe?

There are side effects linked to CBD, similar to any other type of medication. However, the side effects are usually a lot less risky when compared to most pharmaceuticals. The side effects that occur are said to be dangerous when combining CBD with other medications. This combination can cause the symptoms of the user to become even worse.

Counselling Children After Reconstructive Cosmetic Surgery

Children are constantly curious and finding all types of interesting things to do. They will go out of their way to find adventure and they are happy in most cases. Sometimes a child may end up needing to have reconstructive surgery for one reason or another. This takes away from their normal tendency to want to play and find adventure on a regular basis. This is why they will need counseling after they have reconstructive surgery. Learn more on how this affects kids and how to deal with it.

What Is Meant By Reconstructive Surgery? 

This is a surgery that is completed to restore the normal appearance and the function of parts and organs. This is done by remaking the parts or the organs that have been affected. Children can be people that deal with reconstructive surgery and it can be very troubling for them to go through. They can be affected in many ways and that is why it is important that they get the counseling that they need.

Why Would A Child Need Reconstructive Surgery? 

Children are always trying new things. It is part of being a child and sometimes, they may have accidents or injuries. There are other reasons that a child may need reconstructive surgery and here are just some of them:

1. Injuries – Sometimes children will suffer injuries that warrant reconstructive surgery. It can be from a simple fall or from riding a bicycle. In the daily events of children, they can get injured in a lot of different ways. It will all depend on how severe the injury is on whether or not they will require reconstructive surgery for what they have experienced.

2. Illness – There are illnesses that children can get that will make their parts or organs deformed. In these cases, reconstructive surgery is there for them. This procedure can make them look more normal to their counterparts as they are going through schooling and performing the other types of duties that children do.

3. Mental Disorders – Some mental disorders may cause a child to hurt themselves. In some cases, the damages that they can do to themselves are so severe that they will require the use of reconstructive surgery. This is so that they are able to look and act normal as they go through their lives.

4. Accidents – Being in a car accident is a way that many children suffer enormously. In some cases, they can be burned when they are in accidents that are really bad. They will need the reconstructive surgery to make sure that they look ok for their schooling and other affairs that they need to attend to.

5. Other – There are all types of other reasons that reconstructive surgery may be necessary for children. When it is necessary to have it completed, children will need to be taken care of in a very special way.

How Long Will It Take A Child To Recover From Reconstructive Surgery? 

In most cases, it will take about 6 weeks for a child to recover from the reconstructive surgery that they have completed. Taking it easy is what a child needs to do and they should always be checked by their doctor to make sure that they are healing properly. The doctor will be able to tell if there are any problems with the healing process and also what can be done to make the child feel better.

Counselling Children After Reconstructive Surgery 

After a child goes through reconstructive surgery, they will probably need to be counseled in a variety of ways. This is so that they can get on with their lives after they have healed properly. A good counselor will go into a variety of issues so that the child can feel as normal as possible when they have to get back to their life as normal. Here are some issues that a counselor will touch on after a child has reconstructive surgery:

1. Self-Confidence – Restoring the self-confidence in a child after reconstructive surgery is a big part of what a counselor will do for them. They will work with the child so that they understand that they are a human being that is wonderful in a lot of ways. Since there are many positive aspects that they will work on with the child, the child’s self-confidence will continue to improve in a lot of ways as the days, weeks, and months go on.

2. Emotional Support – Letting a child cry from time to time may be all that is necessary in order to cheer them up. However, a counselor is there for emotional support in all types of ways for a child after they have gone the riveting ordeal of reconstructive surgery. They may feel that they look so different than they used to and the counselor can help them in many ways to make it a process that they can get through with an effort. It makes a huge difference for the child to have this emotional support when they need it because it will allow them to feel good about themselves in many ways.

3. Normal Duties – The counselor will help the child to get back into a normal routine so that they are able to complete the duties that they need to. This can be related to school responsibilities and also how they interact with their family. This may take some time and the counselors are adept at helping the child to do this.

4. Other – Counselors are there for the child in a variety of other ways too. They will be with them often so they can help them to adjust to a normal life again.

When children go through reconstructive surgery, it is to help them to regain the mobility and appearance that they once had before they went through a traumatic event. A counselor helps them in many ways. Children that have counseling after reconstructive surgery do much better in the long run than ones that do not have the counseling that they need at the time.

Anxiety Counselling for Children

From time to time, your children may feel worried or anxious but this is completely normal. This can be for many reasons some including a move to a new area or home, or when they start at a new nursery or school. For some children, anxiety can affect their thoughts and behaviours every day, which would interfere with their social life, schooling, or at home. The earlier you treat these problems the easier it will be for them and for you as a parent. Professional help will tackle any of these issues. Serious untreated anxiety can tend to get worse over time so it is important to seek help from an anxiety counselling therapist for the most effective treatment options.

What is Anxiety?  

Anxiety is an emotion that involves feeling scared, afraid, worried, or nervous. When we feel anxious it is generally because we think something bad is about to happen.

Anxiety in Children   

When a child has anxiety and it becomes an issue it can affect their daily life. Anxiety is a normal way for a child to react, only the severity of the issue is not clear so a parent will not know how the child is feeling. Throughout their childhood, your child may experience anxiety feelings at any stage and several different times. Separation anxiety can be used here as an example however this can be a normal stage in a child’s development and it will ease off. If the feelings of anxiety don’t go away, then seeking help should be considered. Young children may not know how to express themselves or may not understand why they are feeling this way, so as a parent it is essential you know what signs to look out for.

Symptoms of anxiety    

There are many signs of anxiety these include:

  • Being clingy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Irritable
  • Tearful/always crying
  • Lack of confidence
  • Waking in the night/difficulty sleeping
  • Lack of concentration
  • Getting angry quickly
  • Out of control outbursts
  • Nightmares
  • Feeling fidgety/tense
  • Avoiding socialising/going to school/everyday activities
  • Always worrying/negative thoughts
  • Complaining of a tummy ache/unwell

Causes of anxiety    

Some children can be born more anxious than others and are less likely to cope with stressful situations. They can also pick up on anxious behaviour from other children and people. Certain stressful events can initially bring on child anxiety some of these include:

  • Parents arguing
  • Moving to a school or home
  • Getting injured in an accident or becoming seriously Ill
  • Being neglected or abused
  • The death of a close friend, relative or family member
  • School related problems like bullying

If your child is autistic or has ADHD they may also experience and struggle with anxiety problems throughout their lifestyle.

Counselling to help children    

Counselling is the most common form of talking therapy which can be available through school-based or a professional counsellor and psychotherapist. Counselling is there for you to talk, and support the child with no judgment, in confidence, and also in a safe and secure place. Counselling is recommended if your child is going through anxiety issues, it can also help many other mental health issues including depression, anger, low self-esteem, and much more. The counsellor will help explore the problem, go through it with the child what symptoms they are experiencing, and figure out what coping strategies would be best suited to your child to help them cope.

Different Types of treatment options for anxiety   

CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy)   

Cognitive behavioural therapy is a type of talking therapy that can initially help your child manage their anxiety by changing the way they behave and think. The therapist will set the goals for your child and bring them to where they should be in life. CBT is about helping your child think more positively, looking into their pattern of behaviours and trying to change these rather than thinking through past events.


Having a regular counselling session will help your child understand what they are going through, make them understand why they are feeling anxious, and help them work through these issues on a weekly basis.

How can you help your child?   

Family and friends are very important in supporting your child during this tough time. You can help them cope through difficult and stressful times. If your child is seeking counselling be positive about it, let your child know that it is the best thing for them to help them get through their difficult times of anxiety. If your child doesn’t feel comfortable face to face with a counsellor, an online service may also be available. It is important to let your child know that you care as their parent and are willing to help them in any way that you can. Stay positive and calm and be strong for them. Listen to them and provide emotional support so they know you are there for them.

Signs Your Child Would Benefit From Counselling

Being a child is a confusing time. It can be emotional – your hormones are ranging, there are troubles with friends and there’s a lot of pressure academically.

How do you know when their troubles are transitioning into something serious? And when is it time for help?

While it is developmentally necessary for a child to go through struggles for emotional development, sometimes the pressure is too great. Take the time to listen and don’t give up if they push you away several times.

Multiple Problems

Although it is normal to face difficulties, you need to look out for several. A build-up of issues can be hard for anyone to process, let alone a child without the emotional experience.

A tell-tale sign they may need help is when they start feeling down. Especially if your child is usually very optimistic or easy-going, be wary of them feeling bad about themselves.

They might lose confidence or become less organized and effective. While grades aren’t everything, if an over-achiever is starting to fail, then that is a red flag.

Worrying About The Future

It’s normal to be nervous about the future and anticipatory anxiety is a part of everyday life. However, you need to be on the look-out for if those feelings spiral.

If your child is being overcome by these emotions, then they need help. When they are lost and hopeless, there needs to be a person who can help then process whether that is a parent or counselor.

Changed Behavioral Patterns

A key indicator of a change in mental health is changed behavior. Regardless of if they were social butterflies or had a few close friends, a sudden withdrawal from their normal activities is something to look out for.

Social-life aside, any change in patterns can be a worry. Things to look out for are different or unhealthy sleeping or eating habits.

Change is normal, but if it came over unannounced and doesn’t seem beneficial then it can be a sign they are struggling.

Negative Behavior

Bad habits are a normal part of life and everyone suffers from one or two. However, if your child starts to behave differently then you need to keep an eye on it.

A key indicator is repetitive self-destructive behavior that they didn’t display before. Hair-pulling and skin-picking are indicators of underlying stress that need to be explored.

They might also take on some more difficult to process habits like drinking or smoking which is a common form of escapism.

Alarming Action

One of the biggest and most alarming signs of a child’s distress is self-harm. Whether it is something they are suffering from or just talking about, they need some help.

They might also express the opinion that they are worthless or no-one will miss them. Every child briefly ‘runs away’ from home after an argument, but the belief they are worthless is something different.

Of course, everyone knows that the mention of self-harm is a huge red flag, but it’s how you deal with it that is important. Calmly getting help is the best process, even though it is hard not to panic.

Why Your Child Will Benefit From Counselling

As much as you will try to protect them, your child will suffer from issues like the rest of us. When you are an adult you have family and friends you can turn to, but as a child, it can be hard to ask for help when they are experiencing something they don’t understand.

They have the option of talking to an adult in their life like a teacher, coach or even you as a parent, but it can be daunting. They often won’t want to open up about their problems and this can be frustrating for everyone.

The first thing you can do is talk to them to see if they are happy to open up about their problems. Divorce, bullying, moving house or school are all real issues in a child’s life and if you can pinpoint them then you can start to help.

Talk Freely

Despite your best efforts, you might find your child is still unwilling to talk. Instead of taking this personally, it’s time to seek some additional help.

When your child has a safe person to talk to that is not related to their home or school life, you might find they are more willing. Without the fear of repercussions, they can get everything off their chest.

A counselor provides a safe environment where they can express themselves and also start to understand why they are feeling this way. Sometimes just recognizing their feelings is the first step to processing them.

Discover Opening Up Isn’t A Punishment

A lot of children will view counseling as a negative thing. They will be fearful and anxious, which will interfere with their first session.

They might associate the doctor with scary needles and unpleasant medicine. You must take the time to explain the process before they go in.

This way they will understand what will be asked of them in their session. By eliminating the fear, your child will learn that talking through their problems can be greatly beneficial.

In a school environment, you might find they will be criticized for ‘snitching’ or telling tales, so this is a great way to undo those unhelpful beliefs. Once they understand they can tell a counselor anything, it will be the start of their journey to openness.

A lot of counselors will include the parents where appropriate so they are also considered a safe space.

Appropriate Methods

Once you have found an expert counselor for your child, you can be assured they will know the appropriate methods to treat them. Most children express their feelings through doing, but this will depend on their age and situation.

Common methods are playing and creating art, but they might also use tools like reading stories with a character that is facing the same problems they are. A character will help them understand their emotions while creating art encourages expression.

If your child is older, they may prefer to talk as well. The counselor will assess them on their first session and also ask what is preferred.

Like with adults, the aim is to help the child process their emotions and feel better. So if they have an idea of how they would like the session to go then they will enjoy it more.

Process Difficult Issues

As a parent, you will want to be able to help your child through every situation. However, some things are either out of your experience or they won’t want you to be involved in.

A trained counselor will be able to tackle issues that range from everyday school pressures to relationship issues to larger more concerning ones like self-harm, depression, and anxiety. It doesn’t matter how big or small, just knowing help is available can make a difference.

Prescribe Medication

If your child is feeling very down or is suffering from a psychological disorder, then they might need medication. This is where a trained professional can come in with some expert advice.

Child Psychotherapy & Counselling

Are you looking to find the right counselor for your child? Or some advice on what is the best treatment for them?

Get in touch with the Child Psychotherapy Trust and the team will be happy to point you in the right direction. Finding help can be scary, so let us do the hard work for you.

Child Psychotherapy & Counselling

Address: 29 Monks Way TOMINTOUL AB37 9DY, UK


Phone: 070 3498 1515

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